This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Idea: Expand home mining in Texas by offering energy credits to home miners who turn off during peak power usage times.
i hate mondays more of a tuesday kinda guy
It looks like we got a table going on lightning-poker feel free to join
Sometimes I feel like I’m way overpaid! I just sit read emails and move my fingers yet someone doing backbreaking work makes a fraction of what I do (in fiat terms) the growth of services economy has created so much bloat and entitled unproductive people
I imagine a lot of this happens due to the FIAT system. Perhaps without it, someone would still do your job, just for a small fraction of the pay, in another country, probably.
Good for you to recognize the absurdity of circumstances, but don't beat yourself up over it. Simply make good use of your money. Use it to help build a better future for yourself, your family, and your community.
Must be nice.
Many people in office jobs feel that way. We get a fair share from technological advances and humanities progress 📈📈. People in minimum wage jobs, service industry and blue collar grinding do not🙅🏻‍♀️🙅🏻‍♀️. Bitcoin fixes this.⚡👍🏻
It's Monday morning in Bitcoin land I hope your week goes just as planned If security is something you understand When generating seeds, don't choose, use rand()
Please add a reset button on the post page :) after finding a link is a dupe I have to manually clear the form
Can someone give me a tl;dr what this Ethereum Merge is all about? I don't care what shitcoins are doing or follow their news - just hoping this is the way the last standing shitcoin will finally collapse???
It's just a fancy word for their switch to PoS? How boring.
Is just noise. Don't even bother to waste that time.
You're probably right. But I'm into drama and want to watch the thing burn and fall like the Hindenburg
Switched to the plumbing department of the shipyard three weeks ago. They mostly work on valves, pipes, and sea chest maintenance. This department basically ensures your boat doesn't sink due to the various water requirements, which include cooling and hygiene.
I hope to switch to the welding department in a few months.
This seems like a cool job, how did you start?
I have the benefit of living in South Florida. More specifically, I start a marine engineering course at broward college in January of 2020, learning all the various systems of boats through the year. I applied for the job I have in September, started working September 16. Then I found out about the apprenticeship program put on by the Marine Industries Association of South Florida, which my company participates in, and took advantage of that to further learn, network, and accelerate my career.
I want to start a business geared towards bitcoiners with boats and yachts.
Getting your hands dirty to stack sats 💪. Aiming to improve your position is also nice, good attitude dude!
I want to learn as much as I can on my way to having my own vessel. With the shipyard generally understaffed, I can contribute to any department I go, I only need to persuade the supervisor and GM to allow it.
Good day SN Another great day!