Maybe a contest every week around referrals? Top 50 gets the bulk of it.
I know @PlebLab sends out weekly automated posts on Twitter.
Also like @ek idea. Smart growth hacking.
That's all I got.
23 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b OP 29 Jun
I like the contest idea. Big prizes attract more attention.
What about someone creates a lot of referrals by himself? It can easily be cheated considering we do allow to create multiple accounts.
The contest idea may bring a lot of fake referrals. There are some black sheep everywhere.
It is also easier considering SN allows to create multiple accounts...
However, if we differentiate between 'Active and Inactive' that may solve it. But again, it can be manipulated.
I do not agree with you. Someone can cheat you in this direction for at least one or two weeks, not more than that. But in the long run only good people will win the contest. who will genuinely work