They paid $279 million dollars to a single whistleblower. That's taxpayer money, right? WTF!
I thing so
How much do you think they give back to the taxpayer when they issue a multi hundred million dollar fine or get a large settlement?
Haha that’s a rhetorical question you don’t need to answer. We all know it is 0.
Would be interesting to find out how many of these are crypto related.
2510 tips. 14%
The most common complaint categories reported by whistleblowers were Manipulation (24%), Offering Fraud (19%), Initial Coin Offerings and Crypto Asset Securities (14%), and Corporate Disclosures and Financials (10%).12 The following graph reflects the number of whistleblower tips received in FY 2023 by allegation category.
The report does not break down the reward by violation.
The private sector commits fraud and the taxpayer pays the reward to whistleblowers? another racket made in America you've got to love paying your taxes. Don't understand why the guilty companies pay a fine from which a part is given to the whistleblowers