Supreme Court ruling kneecaps federal regulators
Worded another way. Supreme Court checks the power of unelected bureaucrats power. Impact is that the US is less technocratic and more democratic.
What always kills me about democrats and republicans is that they both seem to freak out when the opposite is in power but when power is decentralized more they also freak out. Its almost like they have no principle other than power to enforce their moral views.
this territory is moderated
Worded another way. Supreme Court checks the power of unelected bureaucrats power.
Its hard to know how far this is going to be taken...but it has the potential to radically reshape everything.
SEC, KYC Banking, AML, etc...etc...
Are these actual 'laws' or are they dictates from bureaucrats?
Reference tutorial for politicians:
Hopefully knees will be capped early and often
Chevron doctrine gave regulators the unconstitutional authority to make up rules and set penalties without congressional oversight.
Regulators are not legislators or judges
Desantis is probably right that this, by itself, is not a total fix.
One possible way this plays out is that Congress keeps on doing same thing. Agencies keep on doing same thing. Only now they put onus on public to sue to achieve legal clarification (if you have a $1M+ to spend on lawyers).
So yeah, a step in the right direction but not a silver bullet.
Most of this is a discussion due to the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve is not a constitutional entity.
They aren't actually laws. I'm not well versed in legal theory. Natural law, administrative regulation, legislative "laws". When I say law I mean the broad sense of something with the threat of violence. If I am actually talking about legit laws those would be natural laws that exist outside of all states.
The administrative state needs to be chopped in half at least
It needs to be eliminated completely but I'd be thrilled with even 25%. Not going to happen. Both parties build it because that's incentives.
I’m just a bill lol
Bill Burr mentioned this video to Conan after Trump beat Hillary