Boomers procreated most millennials.
Generation X parents are mostly silent generation.
Generation X is definitely the least strident. The latchkey kid generation didn’t grow up with helicopter 🚁 parents and smart phones and social media. Remember when having an email address in college was exciting? Or Netscape in 1994? This World Wide Web http dot com is cutting edge lol.
Generation X voting as college students? Almost zero
I can easily tell when someone is a millennial. If you disagree they immediately start with the ad hominem attacks.
Boomers were born during a time of prosperity. Same with millennials.
Generation X were mostly born in the 1970s: high unemployment and high inflation
Generation X voting as college students? Almost zero
Very true. The common feeling was they were all liars. It wasn't even a 'hatred' of politicians, it was just a complete ignoring.
Generation X parents are mostly silent generation.
Also true. Interesting that Boomers were from Greatest Gen:
  • Greatest Gen -> Boomers -> Millenials -> late Gen Z (or whatever next is called)
  • Silent Gen -> Gen X -> Gen Z
Gen Z is strange. You can see a difference of ones birthed by Gen X vs Millenials.