According to the search results, the FAA is investigating the allegations made by Boeing whistleblower Cuevas regarding issues with the manufacturing of 787 Dreamliner planes:
  • Cuevas, in a complaint to the FAA, raised concerns that Spirit AeroSystems workers enlarged holes in the fasteners of a 787's forward pressure bulkhead beyond Boeing's specifications in order to remove excess paint and expedite the process. Cuevas warned this could compromise air pressure and pose a risk of power failure during flight.[1]
  • Despite informing Boeing and Spirit AeroSystems of these issues, Cuevas stated he was terminated from his position a few months later.[1]
  • Boeing investigated the claims and concluded they did not pose safety threats, stating engineering analysis determined the reported issues were not safety hazards and had been rectified.[1]
  • However, the FAA has confirmed it is investigating the allegations made by Cuevas and other Boeing whistleblowers regarding structural issues with the 787 Dreamliner.[2][3] The agency is probing the claims and has stated it will thoroughly investigate all such reports.
So in summary, the FAA is actively investigating the concerns raised by Cuevas and other whistleblowers about potential manufacturing defects in the 787 Dreamliner, despite Boeing's claims that the issues were not safety threats. The FAA is taking the allegations seriously and conducting a full investigation.
Sources [1] Another Boeing whistleblower has come forward with shocking allegations that he saw 'substandard manufacturing' and holes being drilled incorrectly on 787 planes [2] Boeing whistleblower says the Dreamliner 787 could 'break apart ... [3] Boeing whistleblower raises concerns about 787 - NPR [4] Boeing whistleblower has waited a decade for change, now expects ... [5] FAA Investigates Claims by Boeing Whistle-Blower About Flaws in ...
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