Feel free to contact me if there are ANY products that your trying to sell to distributors, or retailers anywhere in the World. Preferably that you want to receive payment for in Bitcoin on chain or Lightning.
Based in Honolulu, we have great relationships in many places around the World. Yes the majority are clothing, textiles, accessories. Some the importers, distributors that we deal with also deal in other goods.
It's seems logical to keep paying 100K SATS a month for this territory as it is possible that wholesale businesses will actually start to use Bitcoin.
NOT talking about B2C retail coffee shops accepting Lightning payments, but B2B wholesale transaction of goods and services using Bitcoin as the method of payment. Of course 99% of B2B companies do NOT yet accept or use Bitcoin for payments, but it's possible they might in the future.
Please use the contact on www.globalmerchant.io or if your in the USA toll free 1-800-983-8077
Thank you, Rich
this territory is moderated