Ah yes, I forgot that you gringos are obsessed with this stuff of separating yourselves and hating your neighbor.
What have Jews to do with anything? I've never met a jew, and I've never met a terrorist, but I met a guy who was first a Babalawo and when that stoped paying the bill he became a Christian Priest, he used to hit his wife and was an alcoholic, his son flew to other country just to not see him ever again, and of course, he was "holier than thou".
What does gringo have to do with religion?
Christians are white exclusively?
You have never met a Jew? Consider yourself lucky. Do you live in a cave?
Nothing, it's just that strange culture you guys have of hating everyone who doesn't think like you and think that everyone is a potential enemy for some reason or another.
Your culture is superior to our culture.
For some reason or another? Terrorism such as 9-11
You have heard of 9-11?
Never said that.
Yes, of course I have, who hasn't?
Yet, you still think that represents the entirety of the muslim world, that's like saying that all germans are nazis.
Have you heard of the holy Inquisition? Or the KKK? Or Franco in Spain who believed he was a godsend?
You implied your culture is superior
Your tone has been condescending
Have you tried civility? Must not exist in your culture
I didn't I just said that you guys have a some strange things in your culture, especially the way you treat eachother, no culture is superior to another.
But yes, my tone is completely condesending, have you read what I've been saying and what you've been saying? I'm talking about a bad christian and some bad things that christians have done, and your response is not to address the topic but to use examples of other bad people as a kind of counter argument.
This logic of "We are good because they are bad" doesn't hold water, has never held it, and will never hold it.
I understand the resentment against muslims for what happened 20 years ago, but we are not in the same world it was 20 years ago, and most people don't "hate christians but love muslims", everyone hates religious zealots, and they, no matter the religion, always think their way of thinking is the correct one, everyone else should follow suit and respect their idiocy and that anyone who doens't is an enemy of "good morals and tradition".