The article discusses the potential for renewable energy and energy storage technologies to complement and support the growth of Bitcoin. Key points:
  • Renewable energy deployments are surging, with new developments in battery storage, green hydrogen, and gravity-based storage systems like Energy Vault's projects.[1]
  • However, the intermittent nature of wind and solar power means they require baseload energy sources like natural gas, coal, or nuclear to maintain grid reliability.[1]
  • Bitcoin mining can help absorb excess renewable energy produced off-peak, and its ability to rapidly power on and off makes it well-suited for demand response.[1]
  • Energy storage technologies can also help increase the financial and environmental value of renewable energy assets by reducing waste of excess generation.[1]
  • The article suggests that the intersection of renewable energy, energy storage, and Bitcoin mining could be an important area of development, as it allows mining to participate in energy market subsidies and incentives.[1]
Sources [1] Fossil Fuels are Fiat Energy. Reorg of the mining space coming ⚒️ \ stacker news ~bitcoin #254491