Becuase most Christians I've met in ym life have been the most prejudiced and hypocritical people one could find.
This happens in all religions, I'm alwayds warry of the "Holier than thou" archetype of person, and will always be.
Jews are the chosen people
Have you met any Christian terrorists?
We are currently experiencing this in countries such as Germany, where the left is still trying to break up the traditional Christian foundations through mass migration. Christianity and Islam are not compatible, there will be no multicultural paradise. a catastrophe is in the making
Since inception Islam has fought the west.
Battle of Tours in 732 Crusades Moors invade Spain Fall of Constantinople in 1453
Terrorist attacked in France Spain Belgium
Barbary pirates in 1805
Enslavement of Europeans in North Africa
There are other examples
Someone should write an encyclopedia about this topic
Sam Huntington was right. there will be no peaceful coexistence in the long term
I was chosen, too! Ask my bartender
Ah yes, I forgot that you gringos are obsessed with this stuff of separating yourselves and hating your neighbor.
What have Jews to do with anything? I've never met a jew, and I've never met a terrorist, but I met a guy who was first a Babalawo and when that stoped paying the bill he became a Christian Priest, he used to hit his wife and was an alcoholic, his son flew to other country just to not see him ever again, and of course, he was "holier than thou".
What does gringo have to do with religion?
Christians are white exclusively?
You have never met a Jew? Consider yourself lucky. Do you live in a cave?