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The ROI doesn't make sense for everyone to go. It never did and it sure doesn't today. That was never the idea. Its a rigged system. That's not to mention the quality and cost being insanely off.
College tuition is out of control.
Student loans are a racket.
Regarding loan forgiveness, the colleges should pay for forgiveness not the taxpayers
My last student loan payment will be in 2025. I didn’t pay off early because of the low interest rate
If you look at the spending in education the amount spend on administrators vs. teachers is insane.
As the government has offered more student aid and low interest loans the price has went through the roof. Geee I wonder why that is... Its basic economics. The state distorting the market.
Textbooks are a scam. Complete racket. IMO the government should completely get out of education, not be forgiving loans are trying to make it cheaper. Let them fail. The free market will heal this wound.
Of course this won't happen. The state uses this system to mind control the youth.
Why do schools need so many administrators?
Even private schools struggle without large donors
It’s worse than a hospital.
The other issue with education is the fact that they almost all unionized and paid with stolen money from tax payers. These unions are powerful and only support politicians that will continue the gravy train1.


  1. I was on this gravy train for 5 years before I couldn't take it any more. Union work isn't for me.
Public schools teachers unions are very powerful. They are big donors to Democrats.
They also have an effective public relations and propaganda machine. Government employees are good at playing the poor public servant card and voters fall for it every time
Yes but it is worse than that. The fact that they are paid by the government the incentives are for them to push for more and more money instead of what the rest of the world works under... market demand from customers.
Because of this their influence affects all politicians not just democrats. A republican, even one that is aligned with libertarian ideals will get roasted if they even hint at something negative for this block. They will get buried. And because the public has been brainwashed into thinking the problem with education is we aren't spending enough money it works. So they impact every politician. Even your favorite "conservative".
The incentive structure is the core issue not politics. The only solution I have heard that would work is that anyone that gets paid with tax dollars doesn't get a vote. Or at least their vote is less significant from those that do not get "public" money.
That will never happen.
They aren't the real world. The world of education is a fantasy world propped up by fiat money printing and market distortion.
Private schools are also affected because they take public money at least almost all of them do. The also take students with "financial aid1". In order to be eligible to do those things they have to basically operate like the public institutions. They aren't without blame but the key figure causing the issues is the federal government.


  1. I'm not shaming students who take student aid, I took it.
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