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From Bitcoin University

Video Description

In this video, I discuss how to deprogram yourself, and get on the path to recovery from years of abuse and gaslighting by governments, schools, corporations, lobbying groups, and the media:
  1. Follow the incentives
  2. Don't be mesmerized by the white lab coats
  3. "97% of experts agree" red flag
  4. Most government officials are clueless muppets
  5. There are very few awake adults on the planet
  6. The stated official reason is never the real reason
  7. When the government tells you that something will last 2 weeks, it really means years or decades
  8. The fiat financial system is a gigantic scam
How to deprogram yourself:
  1. Always pay attention to the incentives
  2. Never take financial advice from poor people
  3. Never take medical or nutritional advice from unhealthy people
  4. Stop listening to the "experts"
  5. Stop following "the news"
  6. Learn to actually think for yourself, instead of just repeating something that you read online this morning
  7. Stop scrolling
  8. Read more things that were written over 100 years ago
  9. Hang out with more Bitcoiners and other insane conspiracy theorists
You ever hear of Hannah Arendt or John Searle? I was just reading a chapter on free will from Surveillance Capitalism "The Right to the Future Tense" and the idea of promises comes up as the essential ingredient in the will to will. Let me just quote the chapter:
Arendt describes promises as "islands of predictability" and "guideposts of reliability" in an "ocean of uncertainty." They are, she argues, the only alternative to a different kind of "mastery" that relies on "domination of one's self and rule over others."
Interesting, I recognize both names, but I'm not familiar with their work.
Thanks! This is really helpful for everyone, especially to cut from current fake system.
The current world needs a deprogramming...
Very helpful article. Thanks for sharing.
Information never helped me much. Opting into an ego death on the other hand...
Or eat mushrooms in nature.
I think the first thing is to wake up from this social system that has people asleep... and wasting their time and seeing how they spend their short life looking at the shop windows in the mall... or watching social networks until their eyes burn. ...without thinking for themselves and without knowing what they want for the days to come....
Read more things that were written over 100 years ago
I’m genuinely curious: what in particular?
I'm sure people will have personal recommendations, but his point was get outside of the confines of our modern environment. One way to do that is reading what prior cultures thought and cared about.
i think self awareness, challenging your assumptions and considering alternative perspectives are very important always Ask yourself why you believe what you do
That's one of the reasons it's so important to talk to people who believe different things than you do. Sometimes you discover you don't understand something while you're trying to explain it to someone else.
if you stop scrolling, you gain back 90% of the time you have lost in the day. That statistic is from the 97% of experts that agree!
I didn't agree with the whole video, but mostly agreed. That Jared Bernstein's clip, chair of economic advisers, I really though this had to be a fake video but then he says it is really real. wow.
Hang out with more Bitcoiners and other insane conspiracy theorists
yes with Bitcoiners, but no with insane people please :D
I think "insane" was meant playfully. Most people would call you "insane" just for being a bitcoiner.
Is that you're main point of disagreement?
I like many of his videos but some parts here have more conspiracy taste than I like. For example you cannot compare 97% of scientists agreeing to climate change to 97% of people agreeing on child sacrifice. But I know he just tries to be provocative. I just don't like conspiracy theorists and anti science to be related to Bitcoiners. This is not good for Bitcoiners which I consider intelligent persons.
It's an argument ad absurdum. The point is that just saying "97% of experts agree" doesn't prove anything because we know false views have prevailed before.
Arguments should be on their merits, rather than appeals to authority. I was only half paying attention to that part of the video, but that's how I took it.
Yes but still unfortunate. I like Bitcoin because I can verify and not trust. I like science because scientists do experiments all over the world, use knowledge and technology, all to verify and not trust and publish all the information so that others can keep verifying. 97% of them verifying means much more to me than a small group of religious people saying something that needs trust and we cannot verify. It is quite different. Similar absurdity things, are said by very influential politicians to manipulate the masses and I'm tired of it. Sorry I have too much of a scientific brain. I'm too old to change that now haha
You're mistaken about what that 97% number means, though. Most climate scientists don't even work on anthropogenic warming and there have been major scandals in the field where prominent researchers were caught forging data after going unnoticed for years.
In the sciences broadly, it's almost all trusting without verifying. That's why there's an ongoing replication crisis across pretty much every field.
The ideal of science is great, but it's wildly divergent from the practice of science.