Economic sentiment across the Eurozone took a downturn in June, according to the latest data from the European Commission. The comprehensive index, which evaluates economic development, dropped to 95.9 points from 96.1 in May. Economists had anticipated a rise to 96.3 points.
In the broader European Union, the index decreased to 96.4 points from 96.6. Among major EU economies, Spain showed a significant improvement (+1.1), while the Netherlands saw a moderate rise (+0.5). Conversely, France and Italy both experienced declines of 0.7 points, and Germany and Poland remained relatively stable with slight drops of 0.2 and 0.1 points, respectively.
Industrial confidence in the Eurozone fell to -10.1 points from -9.9, missing the expected improvement to -9.7. Consumer confidence slightly improved to -14.0 points from -14.3, aligning with initial reports and economist predictions.
These are not so bad considering how badly EU is faring otherwise!
The EU is pumping state demand into the economies hand in hand with their socialist colleagues in the capitals. It's all fake economy
True. How long can they survive with these? I think they will keep faking up until the US elections and soon after they will blast off.
in the eurozone, this is a structural problem. over the last 25 years, the entire economic system has been systematically converted to state interventionism and permanent subsidies and control in the core sectors of the economy. given the substance that the europeans possess, it can take a very long time for the field to recover.
Thanks for the update, it doesn't seem like a drop in economic sentiment quite serious, I'm surprised by the case of Spain, does it have something to do with the dates we are in? that is, in summer...
Spain seems to be the typical base effect case. The tourism sector, which was hit so hard by the lockdowns, is gradually recovering here. However, today's consumption figures also show that things are going downhill again.
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