My views are same as yours except for so much slashing of trees. So, what do you say? we shouldn't even worry about excess deforestation?
One factor to consider is forest fires and wildfire
California has suffered from terrible wildfires since inception. The fires from the last 10 years is due to mismanagement.
I support deforestation if it prevents wildfires from spreading and burning people homes
If trees are old and dying shouldn’t they be chopped down so we can plant new trees 🌲?
Yes, I agree. Cutting down decaying trees is worth but when I look back last 100 years, it was too much.
While half of Earth's loss of forests occurred from 10,000 years ago to 1900, the other half or 1.1 billion hectares have been lost since 1900.
Who is responsible for deforestation? Who are the primary actors?
I can't say definitely. It may be everyone as it had to be due to sudden rise in demands for our population grew at an incredible pace.