I grew up on Rush Limbaugh and Buckley. I was all in on conservatism until I started reading Ron Paul for myself and that opened a door to the logical and moral problems in the movement. They lied about Paul. They didn't have answers to his arguments. They could do so much better than they do. Trump really is a old school democrat that doesn't care what people say. He's as dirty as the left and will fight dirty. That's why he wins and why they hate him.
In the end both dem and repub voters really only care about winning and getting their way. They are lacking principles and consistency. I hear no solutions. Only force and violence. Its really absurd.
It came up recently, but I think the only solution is Galt's Gulch.
Bitcoin fixes a lot of the issues and making wealth more portable is a part of a Galt's Gulch.
Its wild how much the world looks like Atlas Shrugged. No wonder so many people hate it.