In your trading robot's profile there is a slider labeled "Use stealth invoices". When enabled it will cause the Lightning invoice to not include details of the trade order. When this setting is left off (the default), the invoice will include:
RoboSats - Taking 'Order nnnnn' Selling BTC for nnn.nUSD - Taker bond - This payment WILL FREEZE IN YOUR WALLET, check on the website if it was successful. It will automatically return unless you cheat or cancel unilaterally.
When Steath mode is enabled, the invoice contains instead a payment reference (GUID):
This payment WILL FREEZE IN YOUR WALLET, check on the website if it was successful. It will automatically return unless you cheat or cancel unilaterally. Payment reference: [1234abcd-5678-90ef-abcd-efabcd123456]
The tooltip description for this setting shows:
Stealth lightning invoices do not contain details about the trade except an order reference. Enable this setting if you don't want to disclose details to a custodial lightning wallet.