• What is the point of the app?
  • What is the benefit for you?
  • Will you sell services to businesses that join the app?
  • Will you do anything with the data?
I ask these questions out of curiosity, to understand your point of view.
As said above, it is not perfectly clear right now. At first it was just to prove that cool things can be created with bitcoin lightning and other tools.
The benefit for me is just having fun... jk (but also it is true), the idea is to polish the concept in order to be able to offer it as a service for specific merchants / stores, obvs it wont be always open to upload any receipt and grab sats, that is just a proof of concept.
Those merchants (sponsors) can then have value added services from this, like getting data from their offline customers or making them market research questions for a specific product based on their receipt in order to be able to withdraw sats.
As I said.. I am open to any ideas.