and this guy just jumped in to let us know that the government was going to throw the app devs in jail. At first it was just annoying, because I had just given a big spiel about how that was exactly why we wanted to use this technology. But he WOULDN'T STOP TALKING
Afterwards, I found out that last night's guy is a tech guy for the department of defense.
I'm not sure I understand what your problem is. Especially why "intruder" is a word used here
You met an annoying person. Probably just autistic. Maybe drunk or on shrooms. Or like some kind of mental illness.
I suspect the reason why your thoughts first jump to "intruder" is that YOU have paranoia. Or some very weird ingroup/outgroup obsession that could be just as harmful as an autistic person that nobody gets to shush on an event.
A job doesn't define a person and the department of defense isn't the CIA or NSA. By that logic you'd also have to exclude every policeman from becoming a Bitcoiner.
Good point. The "intruder" language is mostly supposed to be bantery. I'm happy to have people that are into big government, shitcoins, or other things I disagree with at our meetups. The problem was definitely more with the anti-social behavior that made it impossible to have a discussion. I'm not sure if the reason for the anti-social behavior is relevant beyond identifying potential ways to safely mitigate it.
As far as his working for the DOD, I think the line you're makes more sense in the context I wrote it. My beef with that was his almost gleeful description of working on deadly weapons that are being used in ways that are, ironically and by his own admission, being concealed from the public. I hope that clears up what I meant there.
By the way, kudos to you for being the first person to comment on this privacy post privately!