Yeah, just passing it along. I don't recall the first person I heard it from but it has stuck with me. Anarchy has different meanings to people. The dominate one in my experience is "no rules". IE Chaos. This is one reason I don't use this term much with normies. What anarchists typically mean is "no rulers". We need rules/guides/laws. Order is good. We even need leaders. I reject the idea that we need rulers. If we want leaders we can follow their lead.
I really see laziness as the main issue keeping people from breaking past the belief in government. Many good thinkers and writers have answered most of the objections we see to abolishing the state. Frankly, I don't usually waste my time with discussions because people are not interested in thinking about such things. This is why I find bitcoin so interesting. If people had to vote to pass laws for bitcoin to work it would never happen. But because of its design it will move past the mental blocks of most people and win on utility.
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