I want to confirm to everyone that all those one sat and two sats articles are as interesting as we get nowadays.
Thanks everyone who posted all those days
Those people are the real OGs, the ones who brought SN where we are today.
It's interesting comparing the zapping and stacking over the years. SN still seems to be growing pretty nicely.
I'm curious. If we zap these previous posts now, hos do they affect Stackers now. Those who are zapped and those who zapped?
My understanding is that these zaps won't help the zapper much with rewards, because they are so far from being early.
However, if these posts and comments get a lot of zaps, they could get rewards for being top posts and comments today.
So, It's good for those early stackers. Great! I think we should zap them now for their headwater efforts.
Agreed. I've been doing that as part of this series.