Bitcoin mining is gambling good sir—proof of work is literally a lottery. It is purely dependent on luck whether a miner mines the next block. This is baked into Bitcoin and PoW. Study Bitcoin and elementary mathematics and you will learn this basic fact. All your lightning guides in the world and you still don't understand the basics of Bitcoin? I'd expect someone as enthusiastic about Lightning to understand how PoW actually works... Your lack of basic Bitcoin knowledge and basic manners shows you're an uncouth and unqualified dunce. You have no right to write any guides on Bitcoin if you are this retarded about how Bitcoin actually works.
There is only one winner who finds the block reward in Bitcoin mining. One winner. With Bitcoin Prediction Market every miner can be a winner. That means more miners can mine in smaller pools with higher variance. Bitcoin Prediction Market enables hashrate to move from dominant and centralized pools like AntPool, ViaBTC, or F2Pool to smaller pools that support StratumV2. This can catalyze the decentralization of the Bitcoin network.
Miners experience variance and that causes the centralization of hashrate into pools. Bitcoin Prediction Market de-risks the variance of the block reward by enabling miners to hedge their risk. Miners can hedge their risk of not winning the next block reward by placing a bet against themselves (in the case of Ocean pool or DEMAND for example) or by betting on dominant pools like Foundry or Antpool. Let me know if these words are too big for you, because obviously the concept itself is a bit difficult for you to grasp.
This product is not for everyone just like running a Lightning node is not for everyone. It is for those who seek to decentralize hashrate by enabling miners to mine in smaller pools. Right now miners have no incentive to mine in smaller pools. Providing liquidity to enable miners to hedge their risk is a valuable service just like providing liquidity to channels in the Lightning network. Miners need someone gain exposure to variance risk so they can hedge their own variance risk. This is a standard thing in any commodities industry: oil, metals, and grain all use financial derivatives to hedge risk. News flash old man: Bitcoin miners are also commodity producers and they also need to hedge risk.
Your ignorance and bad manners is an insult to the Lightning community, and it's a shame that you're a figurehead in this space. Take your shitcoin energy to the toilet because that's where it belongs.
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