There are people that believe that there were feds among the protestors. I find this highly plausible but honestly regardless of the truth of that specific thing the state ALWAYS uses events like this to expand its power. There is a long history of this.
As someone that has paid attention to politics and the relationship of the state and the people since the 80s I think many people get far to caught up in arguing about if something was a false flag or something was an inside job or there were feds in the groups. Regardless of the specifics for an event the pattern is there. It is replayed over and over again. IMO the more important thing is to realize the game that is being played and pick where you engage. It just seems like far to many people get caught up in the conspiracies and the specifics of their theories. Don't get me wrong. I think there is value in the many documentaries pointing out the patterns. But at a certain point you just know what is going on. Then what? Then what?
I choose not to play. Maybe that's the wrong approach but its what I've come around to.
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