God of infinite mercy and power, as we begin this new day, we turn our hearts to You in gratitude and reverence. Your power is incomparable and Your authority over all things is supreme. May we feel Your presence guiding our steps from dawn until dusk.
Lord, as we remember the words of Luke 4:36, we recognize that Your power is great and Your word is authoritative. 'They all marveled and said to one another, "What is this word? Even to the unclean spirits He commands with authority and power, and they go out!"' Just like those who witnessed Your authority and power, we too marvel and are amazed. we bow before Your majesty.
Grant us, Lord, the strength to face the challenges of this day with faith and determination. May we recognize Your power in our everyday lives, trusting in Your ability to protect and guide us.
Help us to live with compassion and love, reminding us of the example of Jesus, who with his words brought healing, liberation and hope to many. May we be instruments of Your peace, bringing comfort and help to everyone we meet today.
We also ask that You give us the serenity to trust in Your authority over all things, knowing that You are in control and that Your will is always for our good. May we give our anxieties and worries to You, finding rest in Your presence.
In the name of the Love that created us, the Savior that redeemed us, and the Spirit that guides us, we pray. 
Luke 4:36 says, "They all marveled and said to one another, 'What is this word? Even to unclean spirits he gives commands with authority and power, and they come out!'" This verse occurs after Jesus cast out an unclean spirit from a man in the synagogue in Capernaum. The crowd was amazed at the authority and power with which Jesus spoke and acted. They recognized that Jesus was not just an ordinary teacher or prophet, but someone with divine power and authority that exceeded that of any religious leader they knew.
This passage highlights Jesus' sovereignty over the spiritual and physical world, revealing his power to bring healing and liberation. For Christians, it reinforces faith in Jesus as the Son of God with supreme authority. For an ecumenical prayer, this passage inspires a deep trust in divine authority in our lives, encouraging us to seek God's guidance and protection in all circumstances.
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