I don't do any fiat mining on Sundays, but I still write on SN if something interests me. So, I guess my answer is "sort of".
Do you make posts for the week ahead? Kinda like scheduling it out?
I'm not nearly that organized. The closest I get is leaving unfinished posts sitting around for a few days, until I find the motivation to finish them.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @Car OP 24 Jun
I do a similar thing with ideas all the time. Any particular thing getting you to finish it?
That's a good question. Usually, it's a matter of not being happy with how I'm conveying an idea, so I just let it sit there in an open tab.
Seeing the tab open keeps it present in my mind, even if I'm doing other stuff. Eventually, either a satisfactory idea pops into my head or I just muddle through or I scrap it entirely.