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San Juan it's a festival that marks the beginning of summer, It has a pagan origin long before the Christian religion. In this ancient tradition, thousands of bonfires were lit on the night of the summer solstice, to send strength to the Sun as it moves towards the increasingly shorter days. Many European countries have their version of San Juan.
In Spain, San Juan is mostly celebrated at night on the beach and bonfires are made where people gather around them. Everyone drink, listen to music and there are fireworks too.
One of the rituals of San Juan is jumping over the bonfire to ward off bad energies and erase the past in an attempt to start over and feel renewed.
Also writing wishes on pieces of paper and burn them, hoping that they will come true.
And at midnight people go to bathe their feet in the sea, It is tradition to wear white clothes since it is a color related to purification.
I really like the atmosphere of this festival, I will never forget the first time I celebrated it. I made a bonfire with wooden pallets but I didn't remove the nails, one of my friends was jumping over the fire and buried his foot on one of the loose nails.
Here's a photo of how my bonfire looked like
A tradition that I haven't celebrated for years, for me it's just another day, but ofc, I congratulate all my friends who are named Juan for their saint haha.