For Breez and Bitkit I should add a separate circle with liquidity stuck in a single LSP, but will make too complicated the whole picture. They run the node on the device, but the liquidity still depends on a single LSP, so the user still do not have too much liberty or is more complicated.
Bitkit supports LNURL-channel for loading channels from other sources than Blocktank (you could buy from LNBIG, for example).
We also started the LSP Spec Group, which now includes many industry peers working on standards for connecting to any LSP... all so Bitkit users can have options.
Also, ALL liquidity is "stuck" with your counterparty, regardless of whether it is an LSP. End users aren't supposed to have 10 channels, that doesn't scale.
Users can open their own channels with Breez. We have many users using it.
I think a better representation will be this one
Yep, thank you 🙏
Is Breez migrating to full Greenlight ? Or will be 2 versions of Breez ?
The Breez SDK is on Greenlight, the wallet is still on lnd for the time being