Since this is a new territory & this account also is new here I'd like to share the first, tiny piece I shared on Substack 2 years ago. At that time I was wrangling with a new, long term strategy to survive not only the aftermath of 2020, but also whatever AI, the surveillance state & the collapsing fiat regime might throw at me.
Pure, chaotic life is what will win!
This is the text:
How the singularity of life will win
In a world where the masters that should never be are going batshit insane wanting to chip and control everyone it can often seem that we’re in for a bleak future.
Going back a few decades those who remember how things were can easily point to myriads of tech based things that have become way more stressful, are seemingly impossible to avoid, keep manipulating our mindstreams and in aggregate seem to change our very being.
But I want you to consider all of this from another perspective. Unless some AI bot is reading this (go away please!) you are a complex being that can navigate a LOT of unknowns, to adapt, interpret and find new ways of managing it all.
We have very good abilities when it comes to pattern recognition, taking in and calculating enormous amounts of organic data and in general find a way through even what looks like its all new, invincible and too much to handle for an individual.
The basic mistake, often subconscious, is to regard new technology and ways of interacting as brand new, something that we have no natural ability to handle. But what lies behind all tech, what drives all interaction on social media, and what will be included even in AI or whatever the tech obsessed engineers can come up with?
In my opinion there is nothing new under the sun when it comes to this basis, it will be the same mix of delusions and hangups we have had to wrangle with since sentience arose. Likewise anything with real good motivation and wisdom behind it will be beneficial, especially once enough of us catch on to the basis of it all being very human motivations.
I’ve been in media tech since 89 when I saw the previous democratic media revolution unfolding with DTP self publishing, and got in early on anything from website development to open source development, cloud computing, crypto and whatever “new” has been popping up. This enabled me to predict a few things like these:
  • Wondering aloud in 92 why not all phones were mobile when my own draggable one came in at 8 kg and a radio operators license
  • Almost scaring off old friends in 98 predicting that online dating would be huge
  • Predicting that all businesses will need smart, integrated online tools of all types to survive in 2005
  • Seeing that online ID with biometrics would be the BIG thing forward in 2018
Things like working on Amazon AWS since 2010 and seeing how the brutal and seemingly magic capabilities were just metastasizing into something very scary also come with some predictions, but these are far harder to formulate.
The single most important prediction now in 2022 is actually quite optimistic: despite all the capabilities of manipulation and control that converge into a demonic Beast Machine it will all fail to completely subjugate and subvert us humans.
Why? The short answer is that complexity can be handled by sentience/mind itself and especially in distributed networks of separate but connected actors.
The opposite which always is about central control will ultimately fail in the end regardless of capacity since those who do keep that central control will fall prey to the ever present delusions and obscurations.
Those jockeying for central control will end up the same way as the Chinese emperors of old when they hunted for longevity and even eternal life on this planet.
It turned out that eating mercury was not a good idea for longevity, yes this is what they did!
It will be interesting to see how the technocrats bring themselves down this time, and that is what navigating this “new jungle” is about.
So that is why this is Ways Through Wilderness, life will happen as always :-)
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