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Crackdown on mixers in ETH? 🤨🤨
Tornado cash
To my knowledge there is little financial and techonolgical difference between ETH and Bitcoin mixers. Is this just a question of time to happen to us?
That's what people are speculating right now. The answer may very well be yes. Its about time to reject KYC outright. We're in the "and then they fight you" phase https://bisq.network/
Mixers were inferior to coinjoins anyway 🤹🤹
Yeah I haven't wrapped my head around coinjoin just yet. On the blockchain, will it appear as though all coins being spent from the coinjoin are all coming from the same address? Do all coins going to a coinjoin go to the same address? Because if they know that you used coinjoin, they'd go after you not the protocol, just like with Tornado cash. Tornado cash is still up, but anyone that uses it has a mark against them.
In general the concept is {INPUT_A, INPUT_B} ...> coinjoin ...> {OUTPUT_C, OUTPUT_D}
  • you have input A, your friend has input B *
  • you run coinjoin together *
  • you get output C, your friend gets output D, but from just reading transactions in the blockchain it's not clear who got which one.
*) for some definition of friend and for some definition of together...
So yes, one could guess that you have bitcoins that were run through a coinjoin, but it's not always clear.
I was thinking more about the devs that work on privacy enhancing projects such as e.g. Samourai or even Sparrow(for adding support for BIP 47) as Tornado Cash devs were arrested. How do you participate in the community while staying anonymous?
Same way Satoshi did :)
Yeah, if he/she actually participates in the community today they have done a good job for hiding the fact that they're Satoshi