Today I tried something different. I just created a pdf of some information about the Stacker Sports territory here on Stacker News and uploaded it to knowledge files and the agent no longer works again. I just get the 3 dots in perpetuity when I say hi to it.
So I deleted the file and tried again and it still won't reply.
Not sure what the issue is.
It is the Stacker Sports agent.
this territory is moderated
Roger thank you - we’ll look into it and update here when fixed
Thanks. Sounds good. Take your time.
can you share the pdf?
I don't think you can upload pdfs on SN.
Fell free to add it to your agent i will try to debug it from there, currently this agent doesn't show to have any file attached
Yes, I deleted it so I could see if the agent worked without it because I had a similar issue yesterday when trying to add urls but the agent worked fine when I removed the urls. Today it didn't work with or without the pdf added but I will add it now. I am wondering if the problem is usernames. I mention a number of stacker news users in the pdf with @username. Maybe this is the issue. Also would have caused an issue with the urls as @usernames were included.
200 sats \ 3 replies \ @rblb 21 Jun
Thank you, it seems the issue was related to improper url encoding for some files on our parser node. Should be fixed now, please try it again and let me know, and sorry for the inconvenience.
Great thanks. Appreciate you looking into.
Agent is not listed under my agents anymore. Shows you as the creator. If you could just fix that up it would be appreciated.
50 sats \ 1 reply \ @rblb 23 Jun
Sorry for that, i think you already saw that the agent was moved back to your account yesterday 🫡
Yes indeed. Thanks for your help. Working great.