2 days ago, Counter-Strike celebrated its 25th anniversary, this game was a before and after in first-person shooter video games, The original Counter-Strike was instantly hit upon its public beta release on June 19, 1999, quickly building a fervent cult following among PC gamers. Valve soon recognized its potential, acquiring the rights and releasing an official standalone version in November 2000.
I remember this game with great affection, I remember playing with friends for entire afternoons in the Internet Cafe, we got together many afternoons there to play Counter-Strike together, 25 years have passed since its birth, time flies... what are your memories with Counter-Strike? Do you like terrorists or counter-terrorists better? Share them in the comments
32 sats \ 1 reply \ @nout 21 Jun
I feel like Counter Strike created a new sport "shooting at each other" :) How many hours did you spent in de_dust? And de_dust2? And de_aztec? ...
Many hours, especially in De_dust, my favorite map, the one I played the least if I remember correctly is De_aztec, I can't tell you an approximate number of hours because I got too addicted to this game, especially because its social aspect.
Sadly i have never had the opportunity to play, my relatives forbade me from playing games with guns involved.