here's the demo video:


  1. The team, Satoshi Jump, aimed to tackle the problem of broadcasting Bitcoin transactions over the radio without internet to widen the network reach and enhance censorship resistance.
  2. They used dual tone technology and digital signal processing in a browser-based offline module to transmit and interpret hexadecimal codes.
  3. The team demonstrated their solution by sending words over the airwaves using tones and showcased the potential for making Bitcoin transactions in areas with limited internet access.
  4. Future work includes improving error correction, increasing transmission speed, and exploring walkie-talkie radio stacks and phone integration for wider accessibility.


  • Team Satoshi Jump developed a solution to broadcast Bitcoin transactions over the radio without internet.
  • They used dual tone technology and digital signal processing in a browser-based module.
  • The team demonstrated the solution by sending words over the airwaves using tones.
  • Future work includes improving error correction, increasing transmission speed, and exploring phone integration for wider accessibility.
  • The project aims to enhance Bitcoin network reach and censorship resistance.


The video showcased the innovative approach of Satoshi Jump in enabling Bitcoin transactions over the radio without internet, highlighting the potential for expanding the network's reach and enhancing censorship resistance. Their future work focuses on improving the solution for faster and more reliable transmission, as well as exploring additional integrations for wider accessibility.