So, do you remember the movie from Walt Disney “Moana”? Well, in Italy they had to change the name of the movie into “Ocenia”. Why is that, you may ask. Well, it seems they were too scared about what little Italian children could find on Google while searching for “Moana”. In fact, Moana Pozzi is a very famous Italian pornstar and the first results in Italy are always connected to her!
684 zaps zapped! Congrats 🎉
Thanks for this! I’m speaking to my Italian friend now. He confirmed what you said n also shared that another porn star was voted into Parliament!
search for Ilona Stalker (aka Cicciolina). she is the porn actress Italians decided could lead the country and voted for. she spent 5 year doing porn and government xD
Yep, totally true 😂
I’ve tried to google Moana myself, and… I’m disappointed 🤣
Which Moana did you find?😂