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A US congressman has raised concerns that individuals leaking information about UFO sightings are being threatened and existing protections are deemed "a joke." Luis Elizondo, the former chief of a covert Pentagon unit looking into UFOs, expressed fears over threats made against him and others who used to work with Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) under the US Government.
"I would like to make this perfectly clear to the American people. I am not prone to accidents. I am not suicidal. I am not abusing drugs. I am not engaged in any illicit activities," Elizondo sternly cautioned during his appearance on "The Good Trouble Show" dated 15 May, adding, "If something happens to me or my family members in the future, you will know what happened,"
It seems that many people who are revealing UFO information are constantly being threatened and fear for their lives, we have already seen many controversial people in the past appear strangely dead and be accused of having committed suicide.
Smart man
According to Stephen Greer, #535961, new protections for certain whistleblowers went into effect yesterday June 20th, including 24/7 security.
I haven't been able to find anything confirming it yet. Either way, I don't think it's people like Lue Elizondo or David Grusch who will get it, since they're not even technically whistleblowers.
People want to hear from those who've touched the crafts and seen the bodies, and they're too afraid to come out. Hopefully this starts to change things.
I understand, so people who really have sensitive information don't even speak out much or don't leave the house out of fear, I guess these measures are for those people.
At the level of government secrets, this man is going to end up missing. Time will tell.