I love to visit old cemeteries. This one in Eaton, Ohio is interesting. It is named Mound Hill Cemetery after an ancient Adena culture ( 500BC - 100AD ) burial mound. Many of the Hopewell culture ( 100AD - 500AD ) sites here in Ohio are now UNESCO world heritage sites as of 2023. The treatment here is a little different…
In the 19th century, a number of graves of United States soldiers from the Northwest Indian War (17th century) with the Miami and Shawnee were dug up and relocated in the Adena mound.
Here (below) is a picture of the battlefield ground across the street. This was from a pretty contentious point in the conflict in which Little Turtle had just delivered to St Clair the most decisive defeat in US history. I’m very curious if Mad Anthony made this decision out of respect or disdain. Either way, it’s interesting how sites like this (there are so many others) are often ignored given our current climate.
Here are some other noteworthy 19th century tombstones we found.
This person fought in the American revolution. (Above)
This person died at Gettysburg in the US Civil War. (Above)
This person fought at Shiloh (another US Civil War battle) and died at a later date. (Above)
There is an old-school rhyming text at the bottom of this tombstone. A number of other graves in this cemetery had similar epitaphs. @dagny761 may notice a creepy resemblance in the name to someone we mutually know. (Above)
What a beautiful cemetery, I would love to visit one like that, unfortunately in my country the cemeteries are very different.
Mind if I ask where you’re at?