The article looks at the work of Dr David Martin who was calling out the deception at the heart of the pandemic narrative very early on.
For me there is still a question around what covid is? Is it a virus, a biological weapon or largely an illusion based on deliberate misuse of PCR and other testing protocols. Or something else?
I’m extremely sceptical of the ‘lab leak’ narrative and also suspect there has been a degree of shoddy science and fraud over the years regarding viruses.
Having said that it seems clear that certain groups have been looking to develop bio weapons with pandemic potential however it’s not clear to me that they have been successful and going deeper down the rabbit hole further gets us into a discussion of germ vs terrain theory which complicates the issue even more - see the work of Dr Sam Bailey.
I like Nick Hudson’s perspective - he thinks that the lab or zoonosis question is a false dichotomy.
beware of hegelian dialectics surrounding "the true origin of v!rus" or whatever.
the word v!rus means poison in latin. the poison that stains the biological tissue, mind, culture, cyberspace, anything. biological v!ruses as alien-looking non-living particles that inject their genetic material into an unsuspecting cell may well be an indoctrination thru the past few decades perpetuated thru academia (academons). however, these structures as depicted in academons' textbooks have never been isolated or depicted with electron microscopes. there are known court cases that agreed with this fact.
it is crazy to think that the dark religious cabal has so much patience, but at the same time, the best lies are the ones that are too big to deny.
At the very least, it was a distraction. The Bible refers to "powers of the air".
What’s the meaning?
In essence, demonic entities that hate humanity that have power over what is spoken or broadcast.
the fact is wars, news, elections, even powerful and important people in our society are control by dark forces. there is nothing like the truth anymore in our news, using entertainment to distract the youth our leader of tomorrow