WalesOnline reported on Tuesday that locals have come across the 10-foot-tall object on a hill in Hay-on-Wye, an area known worldwide for its books and bookshops. One local resident, Richard Haynes, told the outlet that he came across while out running on Hay Bluff, which he does regularly.
"I thought it looked a bit bizarre and might be a scientific media research thing collecting rainwater," he told WalesOnline. "But then I realized it was way too tall and strange for that."
Haynes said the object was at least 10 feet tall and "triangular, definitely stainless steel."
"It was hollow and I imagine pretty light," he said. "Light enough for two people to carry it up and plant it in the ground."
Has anyone done an investigation on these things? I remember the wave of them in 2020.
I remember that wave of monoliths, in fact, this is the first time I heard again of monoliths suddenly appearing since then, we will have to be attentive in case we are at the beginning of another wave.
I think the second wave has begun, this was a few days ago
So, are they timing with the elections years or bitcoin halvings? ...hmmmm
Hahaha, now that you say it, is it true that it coincides with those dates, what do you think these things can be?
Lol not sure, I'd like to see a map and timeline of when they popped up. I feel like I saw one in some video since they first appeared.
I guess an art project is the most likely? Then copy cat monoliths placed around the world?
I totally forgot but the first one that was found in Utah in 2020: was actually placed there by someone back in 2015/2016... which I just realized is close to another election and halving lol!
I remember that monolith very well, I saw a video about it too, I will share if more appear and if I find more information, a friend told me if I remember correctly that these monoliths appeared when a natural disaster was approaching.
Yes please share, I wonder if any of the other monoliths have been able to be seen via old satellite photos like Utah one.