I understand the love they have of an important historical figure, but it seems so insulting to pit him against MLK. Like, why not both? Why create a fight like that?
You understand the love they have for Robert E. Lee?
There's roads named after the guy in New Orleans, and that city is like 70% black. Obviously people love the guy. I don't know anything about him, but I understand that he's an important historical figure.
Do you think the Black population has anything to do with naming those streets, which were named during Jim Crow?
Do you think the majority Black population in New Orleans (politicians, police, government officials of varying importance) lack the ability to make such a simple change?
Stop being so disrespectful - answering questions with questions that try to make a point, but really only displays the fact that you've read nothing and know very little about Louisiana (or southern) politics. You answer my question first.
Wasn't disrespectful. It was a valid response to your condescending question. You obviously have a chip on your shoulder, so I'm done talking to you.
That's mature (intended condescention).
Major chip on his shoulder
He should change his user name but he leads with his chin and chip on his shoulder
If you lived my life you'd have a chip, too. I proudly wear it and will bang you over the head with my chip if I like. I earned it.
Oh man, I thought you were talking to me. I thought I had done something wrong.
Haha. Not at all. You ask questions to seek knowledge and understanding. That person is trying to make a point, but is only displaying ignorance on the subject. This irks me. Louisiana politics has always been particularly corrupt and acutely racist.
Hell they are in the news with unconstitutional religious bullshit right now!
Louisiana is really steeped in tradition. It takes time to change things, but at least they are starting to realize the politics there are corrupt and racist.
Probably not. And names of streets dont really change, do they?
They do.
Then it is still possible to rename the streets :) I thought historical streets would have a hard time doing that.
Since 2020, there has been the renaming of U. S. Army bases, schools, streets, etc. But there has been and currently is push back.
Very interesting.
and the love they have for the confederate flag.
I’d say the insult was almost certainly the point.
I just truly can't understand why.
People resent having things forced on them, even if the thing itself is not bad. That results in backlash.
In America, every advancement of freedom and rights for Black people has resulted in backlash. I guess because it has had to be forced on the majority through the laws they wrote. They shouldn't have wrote all that freedom and liberty stuff if they didn't mean it.
People have a hard time living up to their own professed ideals.
In america, we should be more accepting of minorities. Especially people that we have wronged.
You would think so with all the liberty and justice for all language in the founding documents and proclamations.
The founding document... I feel it is a piece of paper that means almost nothing now. Everything is encroaching on those 10 freeedoms.