This book has been lying on my shelf for the longest time. Today, motivated by the urgency of another semester snapping at my heels, I finally opened this book, hoping to get simple ideas to develop my chairman and vice-chairman. Except that this is a book more suited for working adults. But no matter. Since it comprises 24 chapters of 2 pages each, I finished it today. I actually acquired some cool ideas about leadership from John H. Zenger and Joseph Folkman. My reflections are in italics.
  • Leadership is akin to a tent, in which five key competencies raise the canvas and hoist it into the air.
  • Similar to ikigai, one’s career best experience is the sweet spot where one’s talents are utilised, he is passionate about what he’s doing, and his work is valued by the organisation. My jobs have been so varied that it is hard for me to pinpoint a singular experience.
  • Extraordinary leaders have 3 to 5 exceptional strengths. Okay, so I thought of my appealing traits (Adaptable, Creative and Enthusiastic), but I have yet to identify my strengths.
  • Leon Festinger observed that people experience tension when they believe two contradictory ideas. So if you stand out with a few competencies and bluff your way through the rest, people are still going to think that you are a great leader. This is the halo effect.
  • Exceptional leaders are adept at combining their best competencies, such as connecting with the outside world and the ability to inspire others. So I have always thought of competencies in silos instead of thinking about how to cross-pollinate them to create synergy and magic.
  • Keep 10 coins in your pocket. Each time you practice a desired skill, you shift the coin from one pocket to the other. Okay, so I’m definitely not gonna try that because it sounds so troublesome. But I will remember the spirit and endeavour to inject a playful approach into my work.
Instead of transferring coins from one pocket to another, just buy a bitcoin every time you practice one of the skills.
Only one? You underestimate me
excellent book.. I already read it and I recommend it 👍👍
What takeaways did you get from the book? xP
If you are reading mcgraw hill, it is not any good.
Haha why do you say so?
For some reason, I had the same gut reaction. I have no idea why.
Mcgraw hill is the publisher for a lot of books that were taught in school. Especially things they didnt want taught, they skirted around it.