According to findings in a recent study, UFO witnesses may not be prone to misperceptions or related cognitive factors but instead may possess specific personality traits that increase their likelihood of encountering such phenomena.
Shit! Who knew these were the types? And is that not scary enough?
The big five personality traits: extraversion, neuroticism, openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness, along with schizotypy traits (behaviors that resemble schizophrenia)
Neuroticism: Emotional stability; individuals with high scores are characterized by anxiety, inhibition, moodiness, and lower self-assurance.
Extroversion: Encompasses cheerfulness, initiative, and communicativeness.
Openness: Fond of innovation and displays of creativity.
Agreeableness: Dictates how they interact with others. Other traits include being friendly, empathetic, and warm.
Conscientiousness: Gauges a person’s level of organization. Individuals with high scores are motivated, disciplined, and trustworthy.
This is a tutorial on how to attract the unidentified anomalous phenomena. If you would like to attract an Angel, just become a person like this list.
Interesting. How did they figure this out? They actually did a study? Lol
This study sounds like a fallacy to me