The Skill we might lose is: Having Patients with others

I think micropayments via lightning will make every daily interaction cost something and people will come to expect it for even the smallest thing. While currently people do things for "free" (they spend their time)
  • Asking your neighbor to check your mailbox while you are out of town: 1000 Sats
  • The person you sit next to on the plane, 200 Sats for them to listen to your vacation story.
  • Working the bake sale at your child's school: 400 Sats per hour
I could imagine a future where it is "rude" if someone wasted your time without streaming you some Sats.
I don’t think financializing all social interactions is good for humanity.
Social dynamics works better with just vibing with our energies and social trust, as we’ve done for millennia.
Tip as you wish, but I’d rather leave it for business interactions.
I agree but I can see it becoming an unintended consequence that society adpots.
I’ve never thought about this. Reminds me of American tipping culture