I am an optimistic person and optimistic business owner.
Keep in mind I do export sales management for more than one clothing manufacture in Honolulu. And I have been doing business for many years outside and inside of the USA.
Quite frankly Western and Eastern Europe (Like the USA) have multiple problems, escalating from every direction. Bizarre rules, laws that have been put into place at every level (Like the USA), Cities, State, National).
There will be continued and an increase in break in's at retail stores, and warehouses. Society seems to feel we should NOT, governments feel we should NOT be allowed to protect ourselves with firearms when another person is trying to shoot us, stab us, burn down our place of business.
In so many Countries, Regions, States anyone can come across a Countries border and it is allowed, bizarre to say the least. It is indeed out of control, but why is it even allowed ?
If as an adult I want to go to a casino and bet, gamble it's ok. If as an example if I want to buy Bitcoin or use Bitcoin it seems that in most cases I would have to do the KYC and then document every transaction, if, repeat if I am allowed to even use Bitcoin or purchase Bitcoin.
With all of the conflicts taking place around the World,
  1. At the very least, very, very least Human Beings Business owners should allowed to trade without price controls or ANY restrictions on how they receive payment(s).
  2. In is extremely immature to pretend there are is not an increase in more and more Countries planning and already using other fiat and other methods of payments and decreasing their use of the United States Dollar.
  3. Bitcoin will slowly eventually start being used in small and medium Companies for sending and receiving payments, we all know this, however spending SATS in a circular economy is the mind set I try to discuss with some of my friends, B2B customers and suppliers.
  4. "Stack SATS" yes, but to never move any around ? never get used in the day to day use ?
  5. I tried one one of my websites a few years ago to ONLY use Bitcoin as the accepted method of payment, doesn't work, small and medium business still are struggling with the constant additional KYC stuff and customers and suppliers fearful of the latest bombardment of scare techniques from the various governments. We still need to allow transition by business owners, suppliers to decide what they want to do, when they want to do.
  6. What am I trying to vent here ?
In the end the World economy, the World conflicts, the World political unrest will force Humans to realize government is not doing a very good job, and when they fuck with a simple matter as deciding whether or not a small or medium business owner can accept another form of payment or another fiat so they can eat, they will just start doing it.
USA will probably be the last Country to do this, the rest of the World will move on this much, much faster.
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