Stacker News feature pitch:
Enables a user to “blow up” their feed order, promotes randomization of delivered content, diminishes the potentiality for echo chambers.
We have a github issue for that. It's the only other sort that I think makes sense.
to surface old, fantastic content
We probably don't want this to be exactly random. Meaning we don't want it surface sub-standard content, but we do want it surface content above a certain threshold of quality without regard for time.
I see this, and I also wonder if a hyper-dramatic, legitimately random kill switch could benefit users and the site. Maybe a singular random “dynamite” post (@Undisciplined) could be a good test.
I agree with the idea that maybe it shouldn't weight "sub-standard" the same. Easy fix: use zaprank as a probability weight.
That made me think of a less dramatic option: mystery post. When you click on the mystery post, it opens a random post from Stacker News history.