“Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, MY opinion, man.”
I didn't tag you as you're just the messenger and it's the message that I find distasteful. It could have been anyone else with super healthy neural pathways. But if you go stand up comedy, I think you can tolerate criticism. I guess the first amendment covers everything that has been said and that is precisely the point. My question was should I look the other way? Many of the responses advise me that, however sometimes a joke is not just a joke, it becomes a weapon. And when no one does or say anything, then yes, we are in the wild west and bitcoin does not fix that.
In the end, those who claim to represent the sentiment of the majority with less than 16% have ruined a fantastic song for the other 80% minority.
you're just the messenger and it's the message that I find distasteful
Since you completely fabricated the message, tagging me would have demonstrated at least to some minimum degree that you weren't purely virtue stroking yourself
ruined a fantastic song for the other 80%
Most people don't mope around about other peoples made up song lyrics