First of all, I would stop using the term "hate speech". Nobody can define it.
I'm highly critical on the current mass migration to western countries and I migrated myself. This is not hypocritical, as I don't expect the host country to take care of me. Open borders and a welfare state just don't go together.
131 sats \ 3 replies \ @clr 18 Jun
First of all, I would stop using the term "hate speech". Nobody can define it.
Great point.
Open borders and a welfare state just don't go together.
I agree with this. But then they shouldn't say "auslander raus". They should say "out with the welfare state" instead. It seems that most people that are against immigration love the welfare state but only for themselves. That's what I see as hypocritical.
I'm highly critical on the current mass migration to western countries and I migrated myself.
If you are a productive individual you should be fine, regardless of what happens to western countries. I was born in a 'western' country and I had to leave because society is not welcoming to me. I still visit, but now I don't see myself settling down in a 'western' country. Maybe it's better that tons of migrants go to western countries so that clinging to the idea of nation-state is finally overcome.
they shouldn't say "auslander raus"
Well, this should be obvious for people with class.
17 sats \ 1 reply \ @clr 18 Jun
Yeah, many people with 'class' might not say it, but they still believe it.
I totally understand the sentiment behind it, e.g. coming from working class people who saw their neighborhood completely change into something they can't recognize anymore. I really feel for them and know that most of them would still never use that term.
The politicians, bureaucrats, media and their useful idiots caused this chaos and called everybody who dared to point at possible consequences, terrible terms. We should keep that in mind.