I think it will backfire, Microsoft and Apple using their market position to create fake "norm" and it will push people away. It is very risky but they can afford it. All we can do is bring more awareness to our "tribes" and don't fall for it. They almost ask to create a "black market" for a private OS and a demand for something like Qubes OS , Pop!_OS, Linux Tails, etc. will grow tremendously. Sure the corporate world will be slow with the adoption but it will happen. Legally speaking they are already spying on you at work, haven't you notice the banner when you log in stating "for business purposes and you agree to monitoring..." The times of sending private emails from work computer are over (maybe shouldn't be there at all in the first place). In my opinion it start with each of us, to be aware and more tech savvy or at least try to be. Yes, it does remind me of Covid "plandemic". Only time will tell how many people will comply. They (Apple and Microsoft) will lose clients/users/consumers and the trend will continue. They already losing me, I'm waiting for the new mac mini with M4 but if it will force AI in to the OS I will not touch this thing. YMMV