Seems that interviewers like to ask about horoscopes and zodiac signs and spirit animals in my country nowadays:
What’s your spirit animal?
Since I was born in the Year of the Monkey, I relate to monkeys as my spirit animal. Like the monkey, I am agile and enthusiastic as I often manage several projects enthusiastically, finding creative solutions and having fun at the same time. One Vice-principal even commented that my enthusiasm is infectious. Also, I can pull off a rather convincing portrayal of the Monkey God (Sun Wukong) during Chinese New Year!
I'm seeing more and more companies using personality tests to assess candidates. This seems like the wrong approach. I've worked with a number of brilliant people in my career and most of them are complete autists.
Honey Badger
Because it’s fearless?
Primarily for that reason, but also because I'm always ready to step up when needed.