Be afraid … be very afraid: AI could also revolutionize tax itself, money boffins argue
The International Monetary Fund has suggested one way to ameliorate the impact of AI: a tax on the carbon dioxide emissions created in generating masses of energy to power the computers that many hope will do some thinking for us.
That proposal emerged on Monday in a discussion note titled "Broadening the Gains from Generative AI: The Role of Fiscal Policies."
The thrust of the paper is that generative AI has enormous potential to improve productivity, but it could also bring less pleasant change. Automation may bring radical changes to the world of work and/or hurt national balance sheets, as fewer workers are required and tax takes drop.
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The idea that taxing something somehow improves the situation is stupid beyond comprehension.
I don't see taxes as a solution, but rather a way for governments to profit from what they deem wrong. They're leeches...