It is a shift reflective of the weaponization of the dollar in early 2022 and a growing array of domestic policy choices which are rapidly destroying the dollar’s attractiveness.
If there are petrodollars, there are petrorubels and petroyuan as well in some parts of the world. Maybe, Saudi now likes the design and colour of either of those.
Petrobitcoin would be cool. 😎
This has been a surprisingly difficult story to get a handle on.
I think the specifics of the nature of this agreement are secondary to the trend it’s part of.
Not long ago, America did not tolerate these leaders even entertaining the idea of transacting in other currencies. Whatever the specifics of this latest chapter, it’s a big departure from where we were pretty recently.
We invaded Iraq and killed Gaddafi. Now it's a non event.
Petrodollar? I havent heard that term in a long time.
Nothing to worry. US still holds control over Ukraine and Israel!
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