Specifically If you have a physical product that you manufacturer, or wholesale. And want to receive SATS as the primary form of payment, then consider communicating this on the B2B territory.
Some basic suggestions Speak as a merchant list
Clean generic descriptions (Most actual potential buyers or other interested parties will be from outside of the USA, why, because they are hungry and will decide faster).
Try and reference Harmon Code so others around the World can compare your apples as apples. Yes we all want to be paid in SATS, but there is still the reality that 99% of business will compare to a fiat for quick calculations.
Try and quote C.I.F. it will save time and force you to seriously plan case pack sizes which you should already have done anyway.
Don't waste your time trying to do business with larger USA businesses, there too academia, too much business plans, too much of everything but they will not ask for an order.
MOQ - Be realistic, flexible.
Communication reply methods:
If you do not want to actually talk with other humans forget all of this, the majority of the rest of the World actually speak to each other.
If your kinda thinking about selling but not yet sure, don't do it.
Thank you Rich
this territory is moderated