Stealing is wrong! Having being scammed myself we need a solution to bring people to justice for stealing!!
What’s the point of having this new system if you can’t be protected from exploitation and once it does happen you have no way to bring that person to justice or recover your funds. I know government gets a lot of flak on this site but the whole idea behind it is to stop plunder and protect rights. Don’t let governments of today shroud your judgement of why they are even created in the first place! To bring shitbag humans who rob and steal to justice!
This is why it's important to carefully vet what products/services/wallets you use in this space.
I could try to start a witch hunt for the hacker but I dont think it's the right approach.
I'm the one who let down my users, the hack was my fault, the attacker was just exploiting my mistake, so I take full responsibility.
But stealing is still wrong. If that hacker had any morals he would of responsibly found the vulnerability and disclosed it to you in private to stop others from looting